How many sleeps until Christmas?

Season's greetings to all our members and supporters.

Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year.

Thank-you for all your support during the year.

From the Max Appeal team.

Protect the rights of children and young people

Children and Families Bill

House of Commons
The Children and Families Bill is currently progressing through Parliament.

Many organisations representing disabled children and their families are very concerned about a number of the existing proposals, as not all of the existing rights of children and young people with Special Educational Needs are protected.

To find out more about the proposed changes and how you can ensure the law and guidance on SEN meets the needs of disabled children please visit IPSEA's website.
Write to your MP about SEN issues affecting your child.

At Max Appeal we speak to many families experiencing problems in this area.

Write to Max Appeal at : and tell us about your experiences.

IPSEA will also be able to offer advice and support when problems are experienced with Special Educational Needs.
(IPSEA logo sourced from Google Images).

Christmas Party, Sunday 08 December 2013

You are invited to Max Appeal's Family Christmas Party, Disco and Buffet.
Come and have fun and enjoy the party games at Innsworth, Gloucester.

IPSEA Training Day for Parents, Friday 08 November 2013

Limited offer
IPSEA is running some training days on SEN law.
The aim is to help parents and professionals navigate the SEN system.
Location and dates; Chalton, London 8 Nov. 10.00am- 2.30pm
Bishop Stortford 22.Nov. 10.00am -2.30pm
Kingswood, Bristol 4 Dec 10.00am - 2.30pm
Also includes an optional session from 2-30 to 4pm on the proposed
changes to SEN legislation.
Max Appeal will support the cost of course fees.
Contact; if you are interested in attending.

Sky Dive, Saturday 26 October 2013

Gemma Maybury is fundraising for Max Appeal by taking part in a tandem skydive.

New Information Card - your input is needed!

Info stan propeerTo maintain our accreditation under the much prized Information Standard, every new 'product' (that the word they use!) ie information that helps families and members of the general public, has to be approved by professionals and members of the intended target audience.

This new product is actually a revision of a business card, giving Max Appeal contact details on the front and on the back there is a list of 'main features'.

What do we need you to do?

Have a look at the PDF of the Information Card, then either print and post the approval form (from within the UK to "Freepost Max Appeal" - no stamps needed) OR click on the on-line questionnaire below.

Thank you!!
Information Card approval Qs - on-line

Echo Challenge, Saturday 28 September 2013

A 6km and 10km off road run around hilly woodlands trails, green pastures, epic scenery and fabulous venue.

Support us to set up an All Party Parliamentary Group for 22qDS

We need your help.

Consensus Document
Following the launch of the first National Consensus Document for 22q DS at the House of Commons in April of this year, several Mp's have suggested we consider setting up an All Party Parliamentary Group for 22qDS.

Write to your Mp

We urge you to write to your Mp and ask for their involvement and support.

There is a draft letter below which you may find helpful.

Please keep us updated of responses by emailing

Has your child been ill with flu over the past few years?

Researchers at Oxford University need your help

Has your child been ill with flu in the past few years?
Researchers at the University of Oxford are interviewing parents and carers of children (aged 6 months to 12 years) with heart problems and other long-term conditions/disability.

They want to find out about parents' experiences and treatment needs when their child has fallen ill with flu.

This work is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). The major outcome of the project will be a new section on to support and provide information for other parents. The site gives voice to parents and offers parents the opportunity to hear from others in a similar situation.
They are looking to speak to parents or carers across England. They are able to cover all travel and childcare costs incurred by taking part in the interview. The interview will take place at a time and location (e.g. either at your home or in a meeting room) suitable to you.
If you would like to share your experience or find out more, please email the researcher Ulla Raisanen at:

Rock n Roll Half Marathon, Sunday 22 June 2014

EdinburghSign up for the Rock n Roll Half Marathon in Edinburgh.
Join the Max Appeal fundraisers and take part to help support families affected by DiGeorge Syndrome, VCFS and 22q11.2 deletion.

Study into the Cultural Effects of 22q deletion

University of Newcastle, AustraliaThe University of Newcastle in Australia has re-opened this questionnaire! We are interested in cultural effects and would like more parents of children with 22q11.2DS/VCFS/DiGeorge syndrome to be involved, particularly if you're from the UK, Europe and Australia.
Are you a parent or caregiver to a child with 22q11.2DS/VCFS/DiGeorge syndrome? The University of Newcastle, Australia is interested in your experience of the time around diagnosis, how you told your children and your coping methods. If you have already completed the survey we ask that you do not do it again.

For more information, or if you would like to complete the 20-30 minute questionnaire, please click on the link below:

Many thanks, Jane Goodwin

Go to the Questionnaire

Information Standard Success

Info stan propeerMax Appeal was audited by the Royal Society for Public Health Certification and found to meet the Information Standard for scripted information produced by Max Appeal for parents, carers and all those affected by 22q11 deletion syndrome, including information on diagnosis, signs and symptoms, medical care and advice, to enable those affected by the syndrome to achieve their full potential.
Royal Society for Public HealthAcheiving the accreditation has been a significant milestone for Max Appeal in our aims to provide our families with only the very best of information.

This accreditation is not, however, a one off "ticked that box" thing. Max Appeal has this certification until August 2016 but will also be audited annually by the Royal Society for Public Health with our a surveillance audit scheduled for August next year.

What it means for you, the reader, is that those documents bearing the Information Standard have been through the rigorous process to ensure it's accuracy.

Summer events

Check out the events on our website and join the fun this summer.

If you are holding a get together over the holidays and you would like other Max Appeal members to join you please send us the details at and we will advertise the event for you.

Scottish get together, Sunday 01 September 2013

The Yard in ScotlandJoin up for a visit to "The Yard", which is a purpose built indoor and outdoor adventure playground in Edinburgh for children and young people with additional support needs, and an afternoon of fun in the nearby park. Bring along the whole family and a picnic.

Click on "Contact Us" below, or better still email and let her know if you're coming

Max Appeal on the Beach, Saturday 31 August 2013

Scarborough_Beach_2Enjoy a fun day on Scarborough Beach.

Celebrating achievements

Head Teacher's Award Nomination

Leahs Award
We were so pleased to here from Leah who is celebrating her final year at Roundswood Park School.

Leah proudly received an award for achievement from Mr Henshall her Headteacher.

School is challenging for many young people affected by 22q DS.

More about the Head Teacher's award

The Head Teacher's Award is given for services to the school. As such, it is a very difficult award to allocate. So many people, including most of the people in this room, have given so much more to this community than simply their time in lessons. We have heard of many sporting and academic successes, many of which were achieved by giving up time to help and volunteer outside the classroom.
The person receiving this year's award is a credit to all of us because she brightens up all of our days.
Those of you who have seen my open evening speeches know that I like my quotes, my doorstepping of our staff, students and governors to glean their views. I asked what they wanted to say about this person, what their thoughts were about her. These are the responses: -
• 'She's a determined young lady'
• 'She always sees the best in things'
• 'I've never seen her miserable, ever!'
• 'She's a great friend to others. She's brought her friendship group closer together and is really caring'
• 'She's determined to succeed: Her swimming this year has really come on, as has her school work generally.'
• 'No matter what she comes up against, she always overcomes it with a smile on her face.'

22q Deletion Syndrome

Before I give you a couple more quotes, let me tell you a little bit more about her:

She was born with 22q11 Deletion Syndrome.

Have you heard of this? The chances are you won't have yet, but you will have in the near future. This is thanks in no small part to our award winner and her family who have given their time and energy campaigning for a recognition of this condition and raising society's awareness of it.

This campaign culminated in a trip to the House of Commons in May along with the charity Max – to speak to a group of MPs about the condition. The confidence which she showed in this arena impressed everyone who was there and shows just how much she has developed as a person.

22q11 deletion syndrome basically could have given Leah a lot to complain about in life, and has made learning more difficult for her than most of us. But, far from complaining, she approaches life with a sunny disposition and a positive attitude.
As one of my colleagues said to me last week:
• 'She is an example to each and every one of us in the way she approaches life.'

The winner of the Head Teachers Award for 2013 is someone I will miss very much next year,

Share your achievements

We send loads of good wishes to Leah for her challenges in her new school year.

Let us know about your celebrations and achievements by emailing

Ride Across Britain success

Jason AllenJason Allan is a Max Appeal hard man!
Here are some of the facts of the week that he let us know about:
* 987 miles covered.
* 72 hours and 40 minutes on the bike.
* 59,000 feet climbed.
* 400,000 pedal turns.
* 60,000 calories burned.
Ride Across Britain Team Ride Across Britain
Jason goes on to report:

I completed the ride (on 16th June) and it was the most enjoyable nine days I have ever experienced. With challenging climbs and enjoyable descents, fantastic organisation at all the base camps each day it all made for a brilliant experience. Everything was fine, both physically and mechanically and I did not even get a single puncture!
From all of us at Max Appeal THANK YOU for you fabulous fundraising efforts.

(ed. note to self: never go bike riding with Jason Allan and his friends; they're blokes not to be messed about!)

Max Goes to School - Book - Want a copy?

Max Goes To SchoolMax Lechner's life tragically ended when he was 11years old in December 2011. But Max is not the sort of boy who is easily forgotten and his Aunty Nicky has written a fabulous and uplifting story in tribute to this engaging, happy and bubbly boy.

Come to the book launch at Kippie Lodge near Aberdeen, one of Max's favourite places, and enjoy hot dogs and refreshments!

Calling all runners

British 10K
Max Appeal has a number of places in the Great North Run and Birmingham Half Marathon.

We need to fill all of the places to help raise much needed funds for Max Appeal so please put any family, friends, neighbours or work mates in touch with us.

Further details are on the website and you can email Paul Wootton, on; Paul will guide you through registration.

If there is an organised event near you and you would like to take part and raise funds for Max Appeal we would love to hear from you.

We can supply you with a Max Appeal running shirt and support with fundraising.

Crumball Rally

Fundraisers from Derby embark on 2500 mile journey.

Two fundraisers from Derby are embarking on a 2,500 mile journey in a banger to raise money for charity.

David Reeves (24) and Mark Sandercock (39), from Sinfin, will be taking part in a once in a lifetime event which will see them drive along some of the locations used in the original The Italian Job film.

MX 5

crumball 2
The pair have bought a 1989 MX-5 worth less than £500 to take part in the Crumball Rally, leaving Derby on Thursday 6th June, in an attempt to raise money for Max Appeal.

David said 'Max Appeal have done a lot to support my niece, Laura (13), and the family for a number of years, and this is our way of saying thank you for their great work'

Laura was first diagnosed with 22q11 when she was four years old after years of battling with the NHS. Her mother, Lisa, was a young mum with her first child and was often labelled as a neurotic mother after visiting health professionals with concerns for her daughter. When Laura was eventually diagnosed the work to support her health could start.

'The biggest challenge, by far, is supporting Laura's social interaction and confidence, which Max Appeal have been influential in'

David added 'We are going dressed as MX-5icans on the self-funded trip, so every penny that's donated will go to Max Appeal.'


The pair leave Derby on Laura's 14th Birthday. If you'd like to sponsor David and Mark, or leave a gift in lieu of Laura's Birthday, please visit or

Birmingham Half Marathon, Sunday 20 October 2013

Martin London MarathonMax Appeal has secured 25 guaranteed charity places in the Great Birmingham Run on 20th October respectively.

Great North Run, Sunday 15 September 2013

Great North RunMax Appeal has secured 25 guaranteed charity places in the Great North Run. Entry fee is £49.00. You can secure a place by completing the entry form attached and returning either via e-mail or posting to'Freepost Max Appeal'. Entry fees can be paid via cheque made payable to 'Max Appeal' or direct to our bank at CAF Bank, sort code 40-52-40, account number 00016137.

Fun Run- Peak District Challenge, Saturday 06 July 2013

Peak DistrictAnother challenge... but in a beautiful setting! Enjoying the view will make you feel less out of breat... no really!

Youth Activity Weekend, Friday 07 June 2013

Cranham Scout CentreWe're all set for a wonderful time at Cranham Scout Centre in Gloucester this weekend...

the weather is all set to be blazing hot and generally glorious. That means that everyone will enjoy the BBQ on Saturday night.

Simon has got a fabulous line up of activities... watch this space for how it all goes!

BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour

Max Appeal members Caroline and Lucina took part in the BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour programme.

Caroline spoke about the difficulties in getting a diagnosis of 22q DS.

Many parents share the same concerns.

We hope the Consensus Document will help to raise awareness of the condition, 22q DS.

Institute of Psychiatry looking for brain study volunteers

IOP brain studyInstitute of Psychiatry are looking for willing volunteers for their brain study. Clodagh Murphy is a name that some of you will recognise, she is a big supporter of Max Appeal and keen as mustard on 22q. Advancing studies is an important way to improve knoweldge of the condition, so please do sign up if you can. Thank you!

Click on the image to make it appear in full size.

Spreading the word about our new Consensus Document.

Biggleswade Chronicle ArticleMark Tripp has been working hard to ensure lots of people have heard about 22q DS.

Mark came along to the House of Commons launch in April and he is in touch with his MP, Alistair Burt who has also become familiar with the problems many parents encounter when accessing support for their child.

Mark has just completed an interview with his local paper, again highlighting our new Consensus Document.

Here is the link to access it;

Mark Tripp in Biggleswade Today

22q at the Zoo 2013

3rd International 22q Awareness Day success

22q at the zooAround 300 people enjoyed a great awareness day at their nearest venue, and there were 7 of those around the UK for Max Appeal.

It was really great to see loads of red t-shirts, red badges saying "Ask me about 22q" and the zebra toys at our zoo... and we're really looking forward to making next years even bigger.

Pictures will be in the next newsletter.

Launch of UK National Consensus for 22qDS at House of Commons

Margot James MPMax Appeal launch of the UK National Consensus for 22q deletion at House of Commons 15th April 2013.. what a great event.

Loads of THANK YOUs; first off: Margot James MP for Stourbridge for sponsoring the Max Appeal event, she is a great supporter of Max Appeal!

then our professional speakers:
Dr Alex Habel

The wonderful and incredibly popular paediatrician Alex Habel from Great Ormond Street Hospital, who has done so much to improve the quality of life for people with 22q since he began the specialist GOS clinic in 1998.

Donna McDonald-McGinn and Eric Joyce MPDonna McDonald-McGinn from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Director of clinical genetics and founder of the International 22q Foundation... initiator of the international awreness day "22q at the zoo" and generally an all round good egg.

most importantly our 22q speakers:
Sarah and Chris Ryan

Sarah Ryan, ably assisted by super-husband Chris. Sarah and Chris spoke about how they have overcome issues with their daughter and the difficulties faced by women who have to condition, have children with and/or without the condition and who try to juggle a working life as well.
Tracey Muschamp

Tracey Muschamp, who is a star in her own right. Tracey is a single mum with two grown up daughters who all have 22q deletion. Tracey is a fabulous role model for all 22q parents; she works hard and plays hard. She is a popular member of her community both in fundraising and socially, she is also a great Mum.

We were able to thank some of our top fundraisers with glass trophies:
Ed, Martin and Mark
Grateful thanks to Martin Silvester, Ed Coppinger and Mark Bradbury.

It was also good to see our new charity of the year supporters Squire Sanders solicitors in Birmingham who shared the day with us. The plain fact is that without these vitally important people Max Appeal just couldn't do half the work it does!

This was a wonderful event with a brilliant turn out and it was great to see so many of the medics from within the UK who contributed to the Consensus Document and from overseas with whom Max Appeal collaborates on many international issues.
BUT the stars of the show are the families. The parents, wives, husbands, children, grandparents and carers truly made this an emotional and key event in Max Appeal's history.

Great day for all of us, Max Appeal is so lucky to be able to support such a fabulous bunch of people. Keep the momentum going! Bring it on!


Consensus DocumentIt was a great turn-out for our House of Commons launch of the Consensus Document. Over eighty guests attended the official launch in grand surroundings on Monday 15 April. The publication of this important document marks a turning point for 22q11. This important document will now set a standard that can be applied to the diagnosis and management of people with the condition.

The event was hosted by Margot James, MP, who spoke alongside medical experts Dr Alex Habel, who established the longest running 22q11 clinic at Great Ormond Street Hospital and Dr Donna McDonald-McGinn, Director of Genetics at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

These key speakers were joined by mothers Tracey Muschamp and Sarah Ryan who both look after children and young adults with 22q11 as well as living with the condition themselves. Tracey and Sarah stood up for other people with 22q11 and spoke brilliantly about their life and struggles with the condition. They really were inspirational. The Max Appeal is so grateful for their support along with all other speakers.

Feedback on the event has been overwhelmingly positive and we now want to capitalise on it. Now it's your turn - please do spread the word far and wide!

Write and tell us about your experiences of sharing the Consensus Document with your local teams, - we'd love to hear from you, email;

These conditions affect health and quality of life from birth through infancy and childhood into adult life with over 180 physical, functional and psychological associations reported. The complexity of 22q11 frequently leads to clinical confusion and a delay in diagnosis often by years partly due to specialists failing to appreciate a genetic link between disparate disabilities.

This Consensus Document is a comprehensive, practical and accessible information resource which has been created by a team of over fifty national experts working in the major clinical fields associated with 22q11 deletion.

Dr Alex Habel, retired Consultant Paediatrician at Great Ormond Street Hospital, says 'The number of affected individuals in the UK with 22q11 is growing and with help to manage their disabilities many are becoming parents adding to the pool of those in need. This Consensus Document will be of huge benefit to all patients and families and those who provide care and support to them.'

Julie Wootton, chair of trustees, Max Appeal, says:
' We are delighted to be launching landmark document that will start to bring improvement to the care offered to people with this condition that is currently patchy at best. There is now a benchmark for families, clinicians and other service providers to work to. It is now Max Appeal's job to roll the consensus out across the country so that lack of awareness will not be a reasonable excuse for failure to provide adequate and appropriate care.'

Tea at the House of Commons

4-6pm on Monday 15th April 2013

House of CommonsCome and joins us or spread the word! Official invitations are needed for entry and we have 80 places... so get in quick if you want to enjoy a little tipple, some lovely cucumber sandwiches (no crusts, of course!), and othter delightful nibbles.

Serious point is that this is an important milestone for Max Appeal so your help in raising awareness of 22q deletion is vital.. help us make a mark in westminster!

QR code

Got a smartphone?

This was a deffo "must have" for us... though it seems a bit daft putting it up on the web site really, when the object of a qr code is that people 'scan' them (and you'll need an app for that!) with their smartphone which then directs their phone browser automatically to that web site. So clever isn't it?

Doesn't it look lovely?

Special Max Appeal Phone Number 0300 999 2211

Image: red_phone_medium.jpg
Ofcom recently made a new set of pre-fix telephone numbers available for public bodies and not-for-profit organisations ie charities, so you know when you see the number begining with 0300 it is genuine.

We have been able to obtain 0300 (charity Pre-fix) 999 (help) 2211 (twenty two one one) for Max Appeal.

The other benefit to you is that it charged at standard call rates, so are covered if you have a call package with your mobile phone compnay, whereas 0800 numbers are premium for mobiles.

We think this is pretty cool!

Qiz Night in Clent Worcs.

Clent Village HallGreat Quiz Night at Clent Village Hall, nr Stourbridge in Worcestershire. The Farmer family organised this event for Max Appeal as their son, Tom aged 3 years, has recently been diagnosed with 22q deletion.

This amazing family have raised a whopping amount of cash for Max Appeal... and we had a really good evening too, might have come second if we'd listened to the youngest Max Appeal team member!

Thank you!!

Join the British 10k Run

Sign up today

British 10K
Why not enter now for the British 10k run on Sunday 14th July.

You even get access to online personal coaching from now through to race day, at no extra cost.

It's a great way to raise funds for Max Appeal.

Full details on the link below.

Happy New Year

Wall Calendars

Happy New Year
The new wall calendars are great!

If you need some additional ones, just contact us;

We would love to here from you with any new ideas to support Max Appeal.